Patrícia Malafaya

innovation, training and communication manager

Patrícia B. Malafaya was born in Porto, Portugal. She presently works (since July 2019) as Innovation Manager at ProChild CoLAB – Collaborative Laboratory against Child Poverty and Social Exclusion.

She has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering (UMINHO, UTexas, San Antonio), Master Degree in Polymer Engineering (UMINHO/CSIC, Madrid) and Graduation in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science (FEUP). She attended Financial Analysis and Project Management Courses in Porto Business School, in the scope of the challenge to be Head of the Management Team for more than 10 years in the 3B’s Research Group, UMINHO, now the Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics (I3Bs).

As results of her research work, she is first author of 12 international scientific peer-reviewed papers and co-author of other 19 papers (h-index: 24, citations: 3815, September 2020), first author of 6 book chapters and co-author of other 11 book chapters and has more than 30 work presentations in international conferences as first author and more than 30 as co-author.

Furthermore, she was involved in the preparation and management (both technical and financial) of several grants both at National and European levels. She was also deeply involved in several functions’ transversal to the 3B’s Research Group activities since its beginning. She has been acting also as External Expert and Monitor of EC projects in FP7 and H2020.


Traveling .. a lot and I miss so much doing it freely!!!


I was the first HR hired by the ProChild CoLAB … 😊

motivation to join the prochild colab

The challenge of implementing and growing an ambitious project with a mission as dignified as that of ProChild CoLAB.