Judite Peixoto

psychologist in the protection area

Judite Peixoto is a certified psychologist credited by the Portuguese Order of Psychologists (with ballot nr 9535). Since December 2021, she holds a PhD in Applied Psychology from the University of Minho, with the thesis entitled “Divorce and Coparental Conflict: From Characterization to Psychological Intervention with Litigious Parents” (funded by FCT). Judite Peixoto developed, in co- authorship, the Program For2Parents – Psychological intervention for separated/divorced parents in high-conflict divorce. During her academic and professional career, she performed the functions of a forensic expert, clinical-forensic psychotherapist, trainer, consultant, technical-scientific supervisor and therapist-researcher, particularly in the areas of divorce and parental conflict. As a research fellow, she also collaborated on projects on Domestic Violence and Trafficking in Human Beings. She has several national and international publications in the field of Psychology of Justice and Forensic Psychology. Her main action and research interests are post-divorce co-parenting conflict, resistance to visitation, therapeutic justice, integrative psychotherapy and practice-oriented research models. In February 2022, Judite Peixoto joined the Collaborative Laboratory ProChild CoLAB against Poverty and Social Exclusion to develop, evaluate and implement projects in the field of Child Protection.


If I wasn’t a psychologist, I would certainly work in the commercial area, selling to the public. It’s an area where I feel like “fish in the water”. In the experiences I have had, I obtained the best possible results: I always led the sales rankings!

motivation to join the prochild colab

The ProChild CoLAB represents the continuity of the “promote parents, protect children” mission that I assumed during my four years of PhD. As a person and professional, I view myself in the mission and main goals of ProChild, namely in the collaborative and transdisciplinary approach of the action, in the multisystemic and integrated perspective of conceptualization and intervention, and in the scientifically informed and based practices of action research.