Health and well-being

The main objective of the Health and Well-being Area is the development and implementation of research-action projects to promote the physical and mental health of children aged 0 to 10 years and their families through:

  • Construction and scientific validation of prevention and intervention programs;
  • Development of technological devices to support prevention and intervention programs;
  • Development of training and supervision actions;
  • Promotion of articulation between professionals and community actors;
  • Development and validation of instruments for identification and monitoring of development problems and physical and mental health.

Fostering SMART Nutrition: Mitigate the effects of food insecurity in children

Health and well-being

The impact of organizational culture on mental health and well-being of law professionals

Health and well-being

Child & Adversity

Health and well-being

Mental health and well-being in organizational context

Health and well-being

ProChild Managers for Childhood

Health and well-being

CoAction Against

Health and well-being

Evaluation of early childhood development (CREDI)

Health and well-being

Project collaboration (Coor: FPUL): Parenting and children’s adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Health and well-being

Project collaboration (Coord: CIPsi): Babies during Covid-19

Health and well-being

Project collaboration (Coord: CES): Parental burnout during the Covid-19 pandemic

Health and well-being