Raquel Corval

psychologist in the education and development area

Psychology graduation with a five year-long degree course completed at Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP) with a pré-specialization in educational and developmental psychology.

Later, in 2006, concluded her Master studies at the University of Swansea ( MA Applied Social Sciences), United Kingdom. Still in 2006, returns to Portugal, to Lisbon, where she worked for several years in Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências (ISEC), a private university, where she has the opportunity to lecture different modules within undergraduate degree in Early Education and within Master degrees on Early Intervention and Children with special needs. At the same time, developed her clinical practice at Gabinete de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Infantil e à Familia (GADIF), a facility targeting the community needs on early Intervention.

In 2012, started a PhD project as a student in Applied Psychology at Centro de Investigação em Psicologia (Escola de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho) aiming to get a better understanding of Attachment disorders genetic and environmental determinants, with institutionalized preschool children.

In 2021 begin her collaboration with ProChild under the project Desenvolvimento e Educação em Creche, a Prochild/Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo partnership.

She is registered with the OPP as a full member (OPP professional licence nr. 984) as a specialist in Educational Psychology with an advanced specialization in Early Intervention.

as a child, I want to be a

Astronauta e Historiadora. Uma profissão virada para o passado e outra virada para o futuro. Une-as a procura do conhecimento, daquilo que ainda não sabemos. Acabei a tirar o curso de psicologia e o cérebro não deixa de ser uma fonte inesgotável de novas descobertas.


Ler, caminhar, ver filmes, viajar.