Jaime Pereira

software engineer in the digital technology area

Jaime Pereira is an Information Systems Analyst at ProChild CoLAB. He obtained a master’s degree in Information Systems Engineering and Management (2016), at the University of Minho, in the discipline of Practices for Evaluating the Success of Information Systems Development Projects.

He developed projects related to Industry and Health where he explored concepts such as Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, cloud computing, information systems interoperability, logical and technical architectures of information systems;

Nowadays he is focused on the development and technological innovation in the area of child poverty and social exclusion. His current tasks are the management of information systems projects; specification, analysis, and software design. At the same time, he is also attending the Doctoral Program in Technologies and Information Systems (DPTIS), at the University of Minho, focusing on the interoperability of data relating to the reality of children in Portugal.

He published a book chapter on the topic of cloud architectures and fog computing. He also has six articles at indexed conferences on agile modelling, systems engineering, and IT success evaluation. He also had the opportunity to participate and to present two scientific articles in conferences such as the 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 2018) in Tallinn, Estonia; and the 9th international Conference on Intelligent Systems 2018 in Funchal, Madeira.

as a child, i want to be a

When I was a child I wanted to be a man, now that I am an adult I wanted to be a child. No, I’m kidding, when I was a kid I wanted to be like my father, a truck driver. But I also had a tendency to be a rally car driver.


In my free time, I dedicate myself to doing many things that I love, for example, photography and video, I love telling stories! Or riding a motorcycle, I love to travel on a motorcycle! I also like to exercise my body, I defend the philosophy of a healthy body, a healthy mind, and vice versa.


Curiosity killed the cat.