
Placing children first, building stronger families and a more equal and cohesive society.

The ProChild CoLAB

ProChild CoLab Against Poverty and Social Exclusion (ProChild CoLAB) is a private non-profit Association recognized by FCT as a Collaborative Laboratory since November 2018.

At ProChild CoLAB, our mission is to fight poverty and social exclusion in childhood.

Like all CoLABS, in ProChild CoLAB, we seek to generate economic and social value, being our main differentiating factor the transdisciplinary and holistic scientific approach, based on the alliance between social intervention and technological innovation.

Our main goal is to contribute to an effective social change, placing the needs of children at the center of research and innovation through an articulated collaboration between several public and private entities, linking academics and professionals in the field, developing and applying intervention programs based on scientific evidence and supported by technology.


Develop a strategy against child poverty and social exclusion, framed in a transdisciplinary scientific approach, articulating the public and private sectors, both at the economic and social interface, promoting children’s Development, well-being and contributing to public policies to stand upon their rights.


To be the national reference institution for the study and development of integrated and effective solutions to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and to promote children’s development, well-being and rights.

Main goals

  • To design and develop transdisciplinary scientific research projects and technological innovation in the area of child poverty and social exclusion;
  • To implement, evaluate and validate intervention programs and models based on scientific evidence to break the cycle of poverty and to promote children’s development, well-being and rights;
  • To create innovative products, services and solutions focused on the development, well-being and rights of children, scientifically validated, at the interface of social intervention and digital transformation;
  • To promote ESG – Environment Social Governance – Agendas in the childhood field;
  • To offer scientific training and supervision for professionals and other agents in the childhood field;
  • To promote and disseminate knowledge about childhood in Portugal;
  • To contribute for the formulation of scientific-based guidelines and recommendations for local and public policies.


1. People, Qualification, and Competence
We value the individual, their well-being, and their professional development, respecting their individuality. In this sense, we encourage each individual to become increasingly qualified and competent, promoting the talent of each one.

2. Ethical Integrity and Transparency
We commit to our ethical principles and strive to act with integrity. We promote an environment of openness and transparency, respecting diversity, through sharing and debating individual views to make the best decisions.

3. Collaboration and Mutual Assistance
We guide ourselves by a collaborative and transdisciplinary approach, aiming to find the best solutions with our Associates and Partners, whose objectives we value and respect. Mutual assistance, sharing, and individual support will enable us to excel. We learn from each other’s skills, knowledge, and diverse perspectives to implement the best ideas.

4. Inclusion and Independence
In our actions, we do not distinguish nationalities, cultures, social conditions, age, genders, religious beliefs, or other characteristics. We guide our activity by scrupulously respecting human rights, ethical principles and norms, and the law. We are open to cooperating with other entities, seeking to contribute to the development of public policies, always in a position of independence from political parties and political power, both central and local.

 5. Innovation and Scientific Excellence
Our actions are based on transdisciplinary research, development, and innovation (R&D+I) in the field of childhood poverty and social exclusion. We see science and innovation as differentiating factors and, therefore, anticipate the future by creating cutting-edge solutions with significant social impact.

6. Effectiveness and Efficiency
We seek to optimize the use of resources and maximize their return, avoiding any kind of waste. We focus our action on effectiveness and efficiency, as well as on the development and implementation of high-impact ideas and projects.

7. Ambition and Sustainability
Ambition arises from the continuous establishment of constructive goals that test the limits and stimulate the vitality of ProChild CoLAB. We aim to realize our vision and mission by building a collaborative network of people and entities, ideas and projects, in a constant challenge of continuous improvement and ensuring sustainability. We are proactive in seeking new ideas, projects, and creating social and economic value, aiming to ensure our sustainability, notably through the optimization of our products and services.

What is a coLAB?

Once approved by FCT through a permanent open competitive call, CoLABs are constitute as private non-profit associations or companies. Their main goal is to create skilled and scientific jobs in Portugal, both directly and indirectly, by implementing research and innovation agendas geared at creating economic and social value. CoLAB’s aim at the translation and endogeneization of knowledge and technology from academia to society through collaboration between scientific, technological and higher education institutions, and the economic and social fabric.